Tuesday, July 24, 2007

More Meanderings

A book refers to a website and I check it out. It connects to another interesting site and so I go there. A few hundred clicks later and I've found myself a half dozen very interesting sites. So in my wanderings and meanderings I thought I'd share the following ...

+ A cute little (clean) video about personal boundary issues with your computer.

+ This is not really new (from early July) but a number of papers reported on The Vatican’s latest statement on the church.
“The Vatican has described the Protestant and Orthodox faiths as “not proper Churches” in a document issued with the full authority of the Pope … The Orthodox church suffers from a wound because it does not recognise the primacy of the Pope. The wound is even more profound in Protestant denominations, and it is difficult to see how the title of ‘Church’ could possibly be attributed to them.”

Well, that’s going to make it a little harder to connect, isn't it? Check out the full story in the London Times.

+ I also thought this map of the distribution of the percentage of churchgoers in the United States was very interesting. The major concentration is in Utah (Mormon country), in Texas and Oklahoma, the Dakotas, southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. The correlation between this map and the “red” and “blue” states is also interesting. This story is also found in the Times.

+ Then the Times has a section on the richest people in the UK and title it (what else?) their Rich List. Interestingly enough, someone else has put together a list of people who are rich in other ways – in the giving of their time and money to help others. My buddy Shane Claibourne is listed as one of the nominees. This list is called The Richest People in America

+ In case you don't really know how to use a map - or at least a Google map - here are Fifty Things to Do With a Google Map.

+ And finally there is a little rant about the folly of the Facebook craze that kind of touches my heart. In part it says: “As facebook is the latest thing “everyone’s doing”, there’s bound to be hundreds of people you know who are also doing it. They become your facebook friends. But after that, any random encounter is treated by many as a reason to become “friends” online. The distinction between friend, acquaintance, and person you acknowledge with a cursory nod has become dangerously blurred.”

Why is it that all the people who don't have Facebook (me included) don't like it? I wonder if there are any out there who do have it but don't like it?

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